Goals for 2023

I went into 2022 pretty bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. The pandemic and subsequent uncertainty was waning and life was getting a little closer to normal. That light at the end of the tunnel was starting to shine a little and I thought that maybe, just maybe, this wasn’t going to last forever! I also went through a tremendous amount of personal growth the last few years. Maybe this would be the year that it all sunk in and I could coast a little. 

Maybe not.

Life has a wonderful way of reminding us of the areas we need to work on. My patience and resilience as it relates to work was stretched enormously in 2022. For me, the lesson learned was to focus on what I CAN control at work (not what I cannot), rise above the mess and learn to package my communication succinctly so that other departments understand the issue we are trying to solve. Still a work in progress, though!

Because of the stress and work-centered focus of last year, my goals this year are really on coming back to myself, nurturing my relationships and enjoying my family. My boys are at such a joyful age where we are learning, playing and just journeying through life together. They teach me daily what is important (and what is not!) and I so proud of them as their personalities evolve and their passions come to life. 

The focus of this year is to incorporate more joy, and have less stress and really reframe my relationship with work. 

More fun  

If it isn’t going to matter in 5 years, why let it bother you now! I really internalized work last year (and maybe cared too much). Most of our stress is self-induced and is often due to our value system, how we think things “should” be and our expectations. This year, we are taking more family trips, keeping our family movie nights,  and just taking a lighter approach to those day to day annoyances that weigh us down. 


Are you listening to the On The Shelf podcast? We have some great guests planned for 2023. In 2023, I am focusing on making this information informative, inspirational and a powerful resource for the public and health care professionals as it relates to wellness. 

Furnish the house

Ahhh, the never-ending work in progress. We purchased a new home in 2020. We finished furnishing the bedrooms last year and this year we need to finish the rest of the house. I am also focusing on finding art that means something to me and my family. If anyone has some great end table or rug recommendations, let me know!

More date nights

The last few years have been all about getting through the day to day of COVID and the activities with small children. This year, I am looking forward to getting back on a schedule of regular date nights and maybe a weekend trip too!

Fun vacations with the kids

Traveling with three boys can be a lot. We live in Florida and are members of a beach community so luckily we have great resources and outdoor activities. This year, we are scheduling more trips away and more fun, enriching activities that we can experience together.