Checking In

There is a story, and I am paraphrasing big time, about a woman who was stranded on the top of a mountain. The reason she was stranded doesn’t really matter - maybe she had broken a leg, was too exhausted to move, or had taken a bad fall. Unable to get down, she would die without help. In those desperate moments, she cried out to God for help.

An hour later, a helicopter hovered over the mountain. Spotting her, they put their ladder down to help.

“No, thank you”, she replied. “I’m waiting for someone”.

Another hour went by and a group of hikers passed her. “Can we carry you down”, they asked?

“No, thank you”, she replied. I’m waiting for someone”.

Another hour went by and a patrol vehicle stopped to help. “Can I give you a ride”, he said?

“No, thank you,” she replied. I’m waiting for someone”.

The lady died on the mountain a short while later. When she reached heaven she asked God why he didn’t save her?

“I sent a helicopter, hikers, and a patrol vehicle to help you, why didn’t you let them”?

Sometimes the sign you’re looking for doesn’t look how you expect it to look.

A lot of good things have happened recently, and they were not at all packaged how I thought they would be. But they are wonderful and maybe even better than I could have imagined.

Think about people looking for that perfect romantic partner who is standing right in front of them but doesn’t look like they expected. Or a best friend who may look different or have different interests, but is exactly the supportive person you need.

Keep your eyes and your heart open. Brick by brick, we are creating the life that we want.