5 Ways for Students to THRIVE While Attending School Remotely

If it is your Senior year of high school, pharmacy or med school, grad school or anything in between, this may not be how you thought you would spend your last few months. 

If your graduation is postponed or even cancelled, it absolutely stinks. But, you know what? These last few months do not define your school experience. You’ve learned so much, met wonderful people and had wonderful times both educationally and personally over the last few years. 

There is nothing you can do about it. You are well within the normal range of emotions to feel a little bummed, but work through those feelings and come out on the other side of them. 

This is not necessarily a hard problem to have, just a new skill that needs to be built. Here are a few tips to make sure you are successful in the next few months. 

Focus on what you can control  

Right now, you are not in control of COVID and many of the decisions being made right now. The things that you can control like saying at home, staying safe and focusing on the work ahead of you. You may still have online classes, exams and projects. Focus on doing the best at those things, reading, and making yourself better. 

Get on a schedule

I get it, not a lot has changed for some of you. You are still inside all of the time studying! But for others, the option of not being able to get out can be suffocating. 

Even if you are scheduling in your Netflix time, having some sort of routine is going to be the best thing for you


Exercise acts as a natural depressant and is a great way to  manage your stress, anxiety or extra energy that you may be having right now. Not only are we less stressed when we exercise, but we are also happier and more productive. 

Continue to do the work

Don’t get me wrong - it is okay to rest. This last haul of school is always exhausting anyway.   While this time is not meant to be a break, per se. Let yourself have some downtime, but figure out how to use your downtime productively.  If you really have a lot of extra time after you complete your school work, channel your energy to something that you’ve wanted to try. There are a ton of online classes for people wanting to learn different types of skills. I just overheard a mom at the grocery store talking about how crabby her college aged son is at home because he has nothing to do...so he’s cooking for them! 

Think outside the box

Graduate students all over the country are starting to feel a little pigeonholed, meaning that they do not want to fit into the traditional 9-5 climb-the-corporate-ladder mold. Studies show that current generations want more flexibility, more meaning and more personal and professional growth opportunities (room to grow!). 

To achieve this, people are getting creative and branching out. I have no doubt that this generation of students is filled with some of the great thinkers of our time who are ready to push the limits and redefine how we practice medicine. If you want to grow a brand, start a business, or talk about an idea, feel free to email me at thepharmacistsguide@gmail.com.